Thursday, June 19, 2014

Dear Class of 2014,
Congratulations, you did it! JTHS alumni would like to congratulate you and provide you with some words of wisdom. Below are messages to you from several alumni. Additionally, remember to email your questions to The summer after graduation you will be full of questions and alumni are here to provide you with the answers you’re looking for. In addition to providing answers to your questions, I can connect you to alumni who have gone down a path similar to you. For example, if you’re entering the military or studying something specific, I can connect you to specific alumni to speak to directly.

“Graduation signifies success; This is one goal that you have set for yourself many years ago and worked laboriously to achieve, and despite other goals you may have offset due to prior obligations, you can know that you are triumphant and have finished something wholeheartedly. All the hours of studying and all of the numerous hours you have dedicated to after school activities have surmounted to this moment, and with that diploma, the entire school thanks you for your passions and congratulates you for your achievements. This day signifies a new chapter in your life, and wherever you choose to go from it is an individualized choice, but with every decision you make, remember the life lessons you learned in high school, as they will apply in situations later in life, and be who you want to be. College is a whole new experience and I wish you all nothing but success and happiness in your futures! Congrats class of 2014!” -Julia O’Shea (JTHS ’13)

“Congratulations! You made it! This next step of your life can be both exciting and scary, but it is the most rewarding in the end. Whether you are going to college, or to the workforce, or even the military, you should realize that you are starting a new chapter of your life. You should be proud of what you have accomplished thus far and thank all of those who have made a difference in your life. Trust me it means a lot to them. Anyway moving forward you should realize that YOU are your biggest advocate. Only you can know what you want out of life. You are responsible for making those goals happen. There will be people who help you along the way, but ultimately you will make it happen. Also I want to convey that it is okay for you to not know what you want or change your mind. Do whatever makes you happy and you cannot go wrong. My final piece of advice is to take a risk. This is coming from a person who did not and I can tell you that in college I took risks and reaped the rewards from them. Plus it makes life more fun! Congratulations again and good luck in your future endeavors!” -David Swerzenski JTHS '12

“You are about to graduate from high school. Some of you may feel happy and some of you might feel sad. It is a bittersweet moment, but be proud of all your accomplishments! You are about to enter into a brand new chapter of your life. I wish you the best of luck in you future. And never forget your falcon family ! Congratulations class of 2014!!!” –Marisa Galfo (JTHS ’12)

“Congratulations! You finished another chapter in your book of life. Graduation is often filled with countless emotions. I am sure most of you are ecstatic, but at the same time nervous for the journey that lies ahead. Some of you will go to college, while others will go straight into the workforce or enter the military. The best piece of advice that I can provide you is to always remember to follow your dreams and fight for what you believe in. Your dreams may change along the way and that is okay as long as you fight hard to chase your new dreams. People will get in your way, but if you truly believe in something, continue to fight for it. The journey may be challenging, but eventually you will make it to the end. When you graduate, things will change, people will move, and friendships will drift apart. It is important that you always cherish the memories that you made, but don’t dwell on the past. Continue looking forward. Your future is bright and only you are in control of what is written in your book of life. Remember to use your head to make logical decisions while following your heart. Do what makes you happy and ignore those who try to bring you down along the way. If you stay motivated, confident, and positive you will succeed in everything you do. Congratulations and best of luck to all of you in your future endeavors.” -Sara Kinsey (JTHS ’12)

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