
Is it hard to manage your time while playing multiple sports in college?
"It is hard to manage playing sports in college, but if you plan ahead and keep up with school work it will make it a lot easier." -Vivianna Samite (JTHS '12)

I want to try a new sport and am thinking about playing an intramural, what advice can you give me?
"College is a whole new chance in life; if you want to try a new sport, try it! An intramural is an especially great way to start a sport. I started lacrosse in college. At first it will be difficult, but don't give up! Try it out for at least a season!" -Vivianna Samite (JTHS '12)

Interested in being a college athlete? By: Lauren Ransegnola (JTHS '12)
1. Visit the school, meet the coach, and do an overnight with the team!
2. Attend a game and pay special attention to how the coach acts on the sidelines and how he/she interacts with the players.
2. Expect to lift weights and run often, even in the off season. The amount at which you do these ranges based on the division and coaches expectations.
4. Academics over athletics. Make your final decision based on academics. You have to keep your GPA up in order to be eligible to play, so expect to spend some of your nights studying.
5. Above all else, enjoy the time you get! You may not start or necessarily play much as a freshman, but stay optimistic and keep working hard!

Is it tough being a college athlete?
"I would say it's definitely not easy. It is like having a full time job, while also going to school. You do not have much free time. Your day consists of classes, then practice for usually 4-5 hours, then homework/studying, and sleeping. That is usually 5-6 days a week too. It is tough on the body and takes a toll on your body. It forces you to get into a routine and make sure you eat healthy to give your body the most energy." - Karl Pappacena (JTHS '12)

Do you think online classes are more beneficial for athletes than in-class classes and why?
I think online classes are indeed beneficial for athletes because you don't always have to be in class. You can get home from practices or games and do the homework then. It helps because it gives you more time for your schoolwork in a way. -Karl Pappacena (JTHS '12)

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